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Latest Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R 2017

Latest Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R 2017 - it is the key word that you're looking in the automotive discussion this time, and we have it available to you on the blog Specifications Car and Motorcycle, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Latest Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R 2017, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Latest Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R 2017

Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R - The extent of land with a variety of rugged terrain or off-road in Indonesia turned out to make the opportunity for some automakers either motorcycles or cars to create a reliable product to bulldoze off-road terrain that is steep. One of them who dared to respond to the challenges of the difficult natural conditions are Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manfacturing (YIMM), which earlier this year precisely in February 2015, they present a rake flagship motorcycle with a capacity of 250 cc. The dirt bike is a Yamaha WR250R actually been produced and introduced the first time since 2008. Well as if the toughness of Yamaha WR250R this? Consider the review more details about the review Yamaha WR250R together Mas Sena on this special occasion!

Yamaha WR250R

As information motors rake berkubikasi a 250 cc motorcycle CBU (Competely Build Up) imported directly from the country of origin: Japan. Yamaha WR250R is actually introduced in conjunction with other Yamaha CBU motor that Yamaha MT-09 at the grand exhibition of automotive homeland, namely Indonesia Motor Show (IMOS) late last year. Just a few days apparently introduced Yamaha has gained fans and penginden considerable. With this it can be ascertained that these challengers Yamaha WR250R weight for other CBU motor that is like Kawasaki KLX 250, Honda CRF250 and several other brands that are already present in Indonesia. Bro certainly curious about the motor rake that are excellent in this IMOS? Check out a full review of the specification Yamaha WR250R in the segments below to find out detailed information.
yamaha motor WR250R

Specifications Yamaha WR250R
Trail design that dashing, Macho and Sporty

Discusses the design sector seems when we consider the creation Yamaha motor is indeed a champion. Likewise on their motorcycles this one. Specifications Yamaha WR250R has a design very tough, manly, macho and sporty in accordance with the base trail bike for off-road purposes. Starting from the front side that has the look typical of a trail bike that is simple by design mengkotak headlights combined with separate turn signal and has a front shock accented Up Side Down (USD) makes this trail bike looks sporty. Then by using the motocross-type handlebar bar combined with a medium-sized seats will make the driver Yamaha WR250R more steady and comfortable to bulldoze a heavy off-road terrain. The sides also have a machine that looks solid and has a characteristic body design motor cross will give the impression that manly and macho. Then the rear of the specification Yamaha WR250R looks so exotic and macho because it has a muffler attached to the right side and has a stop lamp, turn signal separately and has a hanging fender. Blend from the front to the rear of mutual support Yamaha WR250R make it more stable for use in rugged terrain or off-road hard.

Simple futuristic speedometer

The next part of the dashboard that of the Yamaha WR250R specification has a simple form futuristic. Speedometers digital type with rectangular design will provide information that is readable by the user to determine the condition of the Yamaha WR250R this and gives a modern look and futuristic. In the digital speedometer has several indicators such as accelerometers, mileage indicator, fuel indicator available, clock and diagnostic Yamaha WR250R this. It seems that it is not so surprising thing for a dirt bike does not have a clue RPM meter and make the rider must rely on feeling or a feeling when to change gear. Several separate light indicator with digital indicator, be it a neutral gear indicator, headlights, turn signal, the engine and the engine temperature can also provide information regarding the motor is currently digunakan.Spesifikasi Yamaha WR250R is also equipped with a button that can provide the settings according to driving path impassable.
specification Yamaha WR250R

Dimensions Trail Tough and Reliable

In accordance with its function is bike trail that is used for steep terrain difficult then Yamaha WR250R is designed tough and reliable for the purpose. Specifications Yamaha WR250R is equipped with detail dimensions measuring 85 x 31.9 x 48.4 inches with a height of seat 36.6 inches and the distance between the wheel axis measuring 55.9 inches makes this bike is excellent for use in all kinds of roads that exist both on road and off road. Even with a high ground clearance ie, measuring 11.8 inches makes Yamaha WR250R are extremely tough and powerful to hit the streets of floods or river hit with a certain depth which has a steep rocky terrain is quite difficult. Empty weight of 133 kg, reaching only the size of the motor sport bars 150 cc to 250 cc bike trail makes it seem very violent, responsive and easy to control. The capacity of the fuel tank is on the specification Yamaha WR250R is able to accommodate up to 7.5 liters is enough to be able to browse the many steep terrain difficult and distant. Because the motor is claimed to be a distance of 25-30 km per liter of fuel used.

Legs Reliable

Furthermore, switching to the legs of this specification Yamaha WR250R. Has a semi-double cradle frame base provide steering control that is easy and light to be controlled. Moreover, combined with front suspension manifold Inverted Fork Up Side Down and Single Shock on the front of the Yamaha WR250R make handling performance is very tough and reliable. Moreover, the shock can be adjusted both hardness and has a 10.6-in type of travel that make this bike more perfect to crush the rugged off-road terrain. Then in the penumpunya, Yamaha WR250R uses 80/100 sized tires with alloy wheels measuring 21 inches at the front and 120/80 with alloy wheels measuring 18 inches make the footing was stable and steady. Even with the high wheels make this bike is easy to pass through a puddle of water, or passed through an uneven trajectory. For the braking system on the specification Yamaha WR250R was very tough that Hydraulic manifold disck measuring 250 mm at the front wheels and 230 mm at the rear wheel it is considered very good for reducing or halting this trail bike.
yamaha motor price WR250R
Engine Powerful and Tough

We next turn to the engine of specification Yamaha WR250R is equipped with a formidable force this. Has an engine capacity of 250 cc consists of 1 cylinder, DOHC, 4 valves titanium with air cooling liquid is claimed to make Yamaha can give off energy reaches a maximum of 30.4 HP at rpm to 10,000 rpm and produces a maximum torque of 23.7 Nm at rpm 8,000 RPM make motorcycles This is very tough to pass off road terrain which is very steep though. Even with such force, it can defeat the Yamaha WR250R motor sport berfairing other 250 cc class. Such information Mas Sena view of an online video site famous in the world. Power is channeled through a six-speed manual tramsisi. With Injetion Fuel technology as a supplier of fuel Yamaha WR250R it will provide space for the fuel spray stable so as to provide optimal performance and efficient fuel consumption.

Distinctive features Off-Road

Arrived at the final review of the specification Yamaha WR250R at its features. Yamaha dirt bike 250 cc which berkubikasi these genes are exactly as they were the mainstay motocross Yamaha YZ Series thus providing off-road performance that is tough for all types of track. Although Yamaha has a base WR250R Enduro Bike Off Road bike trail but can also be used for On Road smooth road. Pacunya kitchen system which has bermaterial titanium intake valves, foget DiAsil piston and cylinder will produce a performance that is reliable, powerful and has the durability or resistance is very high. ECU as brain-controlled processing engine with EXUP Exhaust Valve will give broad power band that will be perceived performance of Yamaha WR250R highly optimized and evenly all round the machine.

Specifications Yamaha WR250R on the part that has the type of LED lighting in the stop lamp will give the impression of a modern and futuristic. Having a braking control system settings and the second front suspension will provide maximum comfort while traversing off-road terrain that has different levels of difficulty. Yamaha WR250R It also has a liquid-based cooling system engine or Liquid Cooled (LC) can keep the engine temperature to remain stable and do not overheat. Some panels are presented in the digital speedometer will provide benefits to determine the time when browsing certain off-road terrain. The use of Frame or frame on the specification Yamaha WR250R-inspired trail bike Yamaha YZ Series will provide high strength and excellent characteristics for all types of track.
motor yamaha specifications WR250R

Price Yamaha WR250R
Let us now turn to the Yamaha WR250R price segment after daritadi we see along this specification Yamaha dirt bike from all sides. How bro and sis, very interesting and not to your complete refer to? Before Mas Sena whisper latest price Yamaha WR250R is priced, it helps Mas Sena draw conclusions ahead of the Yamaha WR250R this. According to Mas Sena CBU berkubikasi dirt bike 250 cc Yamaha is very strong and reliable for both off road and on road. By design ciamik supported by the dimensions and the legs are qualified to make Yamaha WR250R is sure to be the center of attention if taken on public streets. Especially with a very powerful engine performance bike trail makes it very tough for use on all types of existing track. Even with a variety of features that can provide a qualified driving experience more comfortable and safe. Then what is the price of the latest Yamaha WR250R will be priced in Indonesia?
price Yamaha WR250R

In accordance with the segmentation trail bike berkubikasi 250 imported directly from the country of origin Japan (CBU Edition) then surely the Yamaha WR250R latest price is very high. Very true trail bike that was introduced in Indonesia with youth who have the jargon Master Of Torque the Yamaha MT-09 has a very high price tag. Do not be surprised ya bro and sis, price Yamaha WR250R is priced at Rp 93,000,000. Wow, the price is fantastic is not it? Eits, but make no mistake bro and sis because of the quality of CBU motor can not be doubted. Guaranteed performance, reliability and durability of this bike is very good. According to Mas Sena even though the price was very expensive and can drain the pocket very deep but enough to offer the appropriate quality. How do you intend to bring home Yamaha WR250R this after considering the performance and after knowing the price of the latest Yamaha WR250R are released to the market?
the price of the latest Yamaha WR250R

But bro need to know all the latest, if the price of Yamaha WR250R that Mas Sena made above is the price prevailing in Jakarta and surrounding areas only. So for all the bro who live outside the area it is better to prepare for the possibility of a shift Yamaha WR250R prices prevailing in the market. Prices prevailing in the area where bro stay can be more expensive than the Mas Sena made above due to the distribution factor which certainly costly. Therefore, the bro who are curious about the exact price of the Yamaha WR250R immediately went to the official Yamaha dealers bro closest place to stay. Bro also can all ask for permission to test the performance of the motor is to feel how the performance of the bike trail.

How already know latest prices and specifications Yamaha WR250R right? The bike trail was released more expensive than other artificial dirt bike competitors such as Kawasaki KLX 250 or Honda CRF 250 because the status of this Yamaha motorcycle CBU. Concerning the quality of CBU is no need bro doubt because the motor is produced directly in Japan and through various tests very stringent quality tests to produce the most excellent product quality. So it is only natural that Yamaha WR250R prices are priced much higher than others. If you are a consumer-minded and ready to prepare a budget that is higher then it would not hurt to make the Yamaha WR250R as the iron horse you ride. After all this dirt bike offers efficacy in passing a variety of terrains and can satisfy your desire to roam the wild are difficult to pass by the vehicle. But if you prefer an artificial trail bike other manufacturers are also not a problem because you are the one as a consumer can determine which is best trail bike on all sectors to ultimately choose as friends driving. That review Yamaha WR250R latest price on the last segment of this at the same time close encounter Mas Sena on this occasion. See you. Read also Viar Cross X200 and Kawasaki Ninja 250 FI.

Articles Latest Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R 2017 has finished we discussed

A few knowledge Latest Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R 2017 to inform from a variety of sources, hopefully this post helpful to you in finding the latest automotive news because technology is always changing towards better and more sophisticated.

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Related : Latest Specifications and Price Yamaha WR250R 2017

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