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Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles

Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles - it is the key word that you're looking in the automotive discussion this time, and we have it available to you on the blog Specifications Car and Motorcycle, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles

Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles - Not stable fuel prices several times lately is to confuse the people of Indonesia. Moreover, the current price of fuel oil has begun to return to normal diharga which prices continue to soar. Of course with these conditions strangling society for those who have a weak economy. Therefore in order to save expenses, alternative fuels was sought and developed. Currently very popular is a gaseous fuel that can be used as propulsion motorcycle. Turns gas fuel conversion technologies on a motorcycle as the driving force created by a group of students from the Department of Education Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Yogyakarta. Where they have created a converter tool (Conversion Kits), which is a tool to change the LPG gas into motor vehicle fuels. The group consists of Angger Gufita, Yadi Prabowo Mukti, and Muhammad Faturahman Baehaqi under the guidance of lecturers, Mujiyono and Didik Nurhadiyanto.

Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles
One member of the group that is Angger Gufita explained that the background of this tool for some time lately consumption of fuel oil (BBM) greater for motor vehicles. As for the production of fuel in Indonesia itself has declined. Not to mention the price of fuel oil is unstable and tends to increase. Then it is developing alternative fuels LGP 3 kg gas of this.

The DI Yogyakarta itself is a view of a motorcycle which carries gas, especially gas LGP LGP Green 3 Kg not surprising because it's been quite a lot of people who choose to use alternative fuels for their motor vehicles, especially motorcycles.

For his own system of gas fuel converter tool is going to mix gas and air at the appropriate levels to be forwarded as a perfect power that can be burned in the combustion chamber motorcycle. Usually the gas tube is often called melon gas is placed in the back of a motorcycle, and the converter placed near the engine.

Of 3 kg LPG gas utilization is also able to reduce costs will be a motorcycle fuel consumption due to 1 kg gas can cover a distance of about 80 km. So for the full capacity of 3 kg LPG can travel a distance of 240 km. Very economical not?

Actual gas fuel conversion technology is also developed and created by some parties in other regions in . Read also Honda PCX 150 with New Color Could Booked in PRJ 2015 and Yamaha R25 Soon Marketed in India .

Articles Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles has finished we discussed

A few knowledge Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles to inform from a variety of sources, hopefully this post helpful to you in finding the latest automotive news because technology is always changing towards better and more sophisticated.

You're reading the information about Alternative Fuel Gas Option for Motorcycles and url link of this article is Hopefully this article could be useful and do not forget to come back to this blog when you want the latest information, thanks

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