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Capek Loss? Try 'Cars Crabs' Made in Germany This!

Capek Loss? Try 'Cars Crabs' Made in Germany This! - it is the key word that you're looking in the automotive discussion this time, and we have it available to you on the blog Specifications Car and Motorcycle, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Capek Loss? Try 'Cars Crabs' Made in Germany This!, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Capek Loss? Try 'Cars Crabs' Made in Germany This!

The German company Create 'Cars Crabs' To Overcome Congestion - Traffic congestion has become a major problem in every major city. Not only in Indonesia, congestion problems were also common in big cities almost all over the world. Well, recently a German company to introduce the future of car design that is claimed to reduce congestion.

A German company called DFKI Robotics Innovation Center has just introduced a unique car that is inspired by the animal crab. Yak! You surely know the animal crab. A crab was running sideways. The process of street-style crab is what ultimately inspired the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center to create mini-car unit that is not only able to walk a straight or turn, but can also run sideways like a crab. read also The fastest, Hamilton Satisfied with Outcome free

The car-style crab named EO Smart Connecting Car 2. The car weighs about 750 kilograms was claimed to be the solution to the problem of congestion in big cities. Cars that use electric power that is designed flexible and have the ability to shrink, walking sideways like a crab animals, as well as change the course or direction in an instant.

Because it has a flexible capability, auto-style crab is able to squeeze in tight spaces such as parking space or street that is not too wide. The prototype car of the future is designed using a super-sophisticated software and also accompanied by embedding separate machines in every part of the wheel. This car is capable of running at a maximum speed of 65 kilometers per hour. With a full charge the battery for four hours, this electric car can cover a distance of 50 to 70 kilometers. read also Car Sales Will Controlled Car Without Driver?

Project Manager DFKI Robotics Innovation Center, Timo Bimshein stated that the process of moving to a normal steering wheel of sideways only takes about four minutes.

Smart EO itself a mini car that can accommodate two passengers. This car could shrink in the first length of 2.5 meters and a width of 2 meters to 1.5 meters. The process of depreciation on the car with the system is a shift in the axis of the rear wheel tracks to the front that would make the position of the car to be a bit menungging upwards. Although his position menungging, but the depreciation of the car will not reduce the comfort of the passengers. Read also A Car Without Google Natural Artificial driver 11 Accident and Death Weakness in the Car It's Possible.

Articles Capek Loss? Try 'Cars Crabs' Made in Germany This! has finished we discussed

A few knowledge Capek Loss? Try 'Cars Crabs' Made in Germany This! to inform from a variety of sources, hopefully this post helpful to you in finding the latest automotive news because technology is always changing towards better and more sophisticated.

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Related : Capek Loss? Try 'Cars Crabs' Made in Germany This!

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