The Automatic Steering car So conversation - probably never imagined by anyone, that technological progress brings us to the era of automatic steering cars or so-called autonomous car. Just imagine! Now we do not need to be tired of driving, but the car will still get to the destination. Automatic steering the car was currently being so warm conversation. Many countries have started to test for autonomous cars.
The latest, the British government is working on regulations for the use of the vehicle automatic steering. The British government has also invested 19 million pounds for the technology in four cities. In fact, the streets in the country is allowed to test the automatic steering of vehicles in the summer. However, there must be people sitting in the driver's seat to take over the wheel in case of an urgent situation, the vehicle being tested. These things certainly be a very good signal acceptance of the autonomous car in Queen Elizabeth's country.
In addition to the UK, car steering automatic or autonomous car, also seems to be well received in Dubai. Department of highway and transportation of Dubai (RTA) has also initiated a study on the use of autonomous cars. In fact, automatic steering car is part of the Government's plan to ratify the United Arab Emirates in 2015 as the year of innovation in the country.
In addition to the many trials begin autonomous cars in many countries, the automotive manufacturers were competing to bring this type of car.
Latest, Volvo Cars announced it has completed the design of autonomous vehicles. Companies that encamped page in Sweden was even planned so that it starts automatically steering the vehicle passing on the road the next two years. For this one, Volvo rely on the system they call "otopilot" the system back up. Through the technology, capable of autonomous driving car remain operational even if there are certain parts that are not functioning. In fact, Volvo claims that the system "otopilot" can "react more quickly than most people, in the event of an emergency. Well ... the outside can be advanced it?
Speaking of sophisticated automotive products, today Volvo're dealing with Nissan and Google. All three are racing to be the first to market the vehicle automatic steering. I wonder who will be the winner? Read also racer F1 Prohibited Change Color Scheme Helm and Mobil unique concept toilet running.
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