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Do not be deceived Police Raids Not Authorized ... !!!

Do not be deceived Police Raids Not Authorized ... !!! - it is the key word that you're looking in the automotive discussion this time, and we have it available to you on the blog Specifications Car and Motorcycle, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Do not be deceived Police Raids Not Authorized ... !!!, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Do not be deceived Police Raids Not Authorized ... !!!

Police Raids Not Authorized - As road users, whatever the type of your vehicle, make sure we're quite familiar with the raid of the police. Razia vehicles on the streets, has become one of the main agenda of peers Unit Traffic (Traffic). For Bro and Sist that is orderly carrying a letter completeness vehicles and obey traffic rules, certainly not to worry, if have to deal with the raid of a police vehicle. After all, it is in the common interest. Through the vehicle raids, the police helped us to find the missing vehicles. However, at the moment it is used as a platform "searched" by a handful of persons. It also has become common knowledge. That is sometimes indeed make road users so quite annoyed with the police raid. Moreover, it turns out there are rogue elements, which carry out illegal raids. Like what?

beware of illegal police raids
Not long ago, four members of the police Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java, sanctioned by the authorities. This is because, they caught hold raids traffic outside its jurisdiction. The police officers staged raids on the border between the District of Semarang and Waterford. Under police regulations, the fourth member of the breach of discipline due to hold a police raid illegal. Called unofficial, because the raids committed outside its territory. Therefore, observers Police, Bambang Widodo Umar urged people to be more careful when the police conduct raids. Do not let these elements, it takes advantage for himself, on the basis of driver error.

Actually, the rider has the right to know, where the raids were authorized and which are illegal. Razia police official, certainly has the force of law. It can be seen from the existing warrant.

"If there is a warrant authorized operations (raids) so clear when time, space and costs. Organized and structured. There continues to be the target. Ask wrote 'this operation or what, sir?' There are no secrets "Bambang said.

This is reinforced by Article 13 of Regulation 42/1993. The regulation states that inspectors who perform inspection of motor vehicles on the road must be accompanied by a warrant issued by the task.

To be sure, like any rogue elements try to act, if you are driving in an orderly manner, then you will remain safe journey. Congratulations drive, Bro and Sist ... !!! Read also the Toll Road between England and New York and Techniques Driving Makes More Efficient Use of fuel.

Articles Do not be deceived Police Raids Not Authorized ... !!! has finished we discussed

A few knowledge Do not be deceived Police Raids Not Authorized ... !!! to inform from a variety of sources, hopefully this post helpful to you in finding the latest automotive news because technology is always changing towards better and more sophisticated.

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